Manage your expectations
My advise to my brothers and sisters living and working outside our country is that they should carefully manage their expectations on the cost of land in Kenya.
- Prices are rising on a daily basis and areas that were once labeled as “cheap” are now expensive.
- You are better off buying land in outer Districts such as Kajiado, Katani, Kilifi, Kwale, Malindi and Nanyuki as prices in these areas are still affordable.
- Do not look at lack of graded or tarmacked roads as a hindrance. In fact, this is a blessing in disguise as once roads are finally done, your land appreciates drastically.
- Be brave and explore remote areas that are further away from towns. In 10 years, you will be pleasantly surprised to find the value of your land has turned you into a very wealthy person! Foreigners come and buy cheap land in remote areas and after making small developments in these areas, they then sell the same land back to us at exorbitant prices!
- Use our verification service even if you are not buying from us. A simple verification of Title Deeds / other ownership documents can help you avoid conmen. It only takes between 2- 7 days for us to advise you to either buy or not.
- Seek our advise by either phone , email or Skype. You could be spending days looking for information we can easily get you.
- Seek our advise on plots that can be bought via installments.
- Many 2, 3 and 4 bedroom (new) apartments going for between Ksh 4m – Ksh 7m may not be available on the internet as not all developers are using websites to sell their properties. If you seriously need an apartment, please contact us for advice.
- Never buy land which has no Title Deed!
- I have met many Kenyans who regret having not made an attempt at buying property back home when they had the chance. Take that small step and it might be easier than you ever thought!
Can I do this for you?
Amazing how this has now grown into a full department!
Kenyans overseas have been asking me for help in sorting out their non- land buying needs here at home so, (for a small fee) feel free to let us know what you want done!
Among the popular requests for relatives in Kenya:
- passing on money
- buying gifts
- processing documents
- tenant agreements
- buying a car
- school fees payments
- scouting for investment opportunities
- sending photos
- securing accomodation prior to arrivals
- general advice
- sinking a borehole
We are always happy to hear your request.
Kind regards,